1. General

We at FGAM strive to ensure your satisfaction with every purchase. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help.

2. Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a refund, please ensure that your request is within the specific timeframe.

Packages can be refunded following certain criteria.

Based on Package value:

Cancellations based upon registration with be eligibale for a 75% refund.

Cancellations 1 month before tournament date will be eligibale for a 50% refund.

Cancellations 2 weeks before tournament date will not be eligibale for a any refund.

3. Refund Process 

To initiate a refund, please contact us at jeff@footgolfmalaysia.com.my. Please provide your order number and a brief explanation of why you are requesting a refund.